
Access Patient Records on Signulu Storage Integration – Google Drive & Microsoft One Drive

It was around 4 in the morning when Mr. Aarav experienced some discomfort in his chest. He was alone in his home as his family was attending a wedding in another city. He was in his late 40s and in a job which demanded most of his time and stressful, he didn’t want to rule out anything. He immediately drove to the corporate hospital near his home. 

At the desk he was asked to give his complete details and it required his personal signature on each of the document. After all this he was taken for the ECG test. 

The doctor who did the test didn’t find anything abnormal and he advised him to see a gastroenterologist as it may be a case of acidity. The doctor advised him to go home and come later in the day for consultation. 

Mr. Aarav took all his reports with him back home. He went back to the hospital around 11 am for a consultation with the gastroenterologist. When he was waiting for the doctor, he realised he left his reports at home. Now what? 

What if there was a program where all the reports of a patient can be retrieved from anyplace and anytime which is eSigned by him. 

 Signulu, The eSignature Expert – along with the hospital management software provides a Device Application Solution that helps capture the report eSignatured by the Doctors 

Signulu integrates with the existing storage options such as Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive, Dropbox and other to help retrieve the reports on the go. You can provide patient login for ease of access or let your employees be on top of the reports based on the need.