The New Norm

Is it safe to use online digital signature services?

In today’s digital world, online digital signature services have become a popular way to sign documents. However, there is often a concern about the safety and security of using these services. Signulu is an e-signature tool that provides a secure and reliable platform for eSigning your documents. Let’s take a look at why Signulu is safe to use and why you can trust it to sign your documents.


Encrypted Platform

One of the primary reasons why Signulu is a safe and reliable option for e-signatures is that the platform uses encryption technology. This means that any data transmitted through the platform is protected and secured. Signulu uses 256-bit SSL encryption technology, which is the same technology used by banks and other financial institutions to secure their data. This means that your documents and signature are protected from unauthorized access.

Compliance with Industry Standards

Another reason why Signulu is safe to use is that it complies with industry standards for e-signatures. Signulu meets the requirements set by the Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act (ESIGN), and the ITA-200. This means that Signulu’s e-signatures are legally binding, and they hold up in court.


Audit Trail

Signulu provides an audit trail feature that tracks and records every action taken on a document. This includes when the document was sent, when it was opened, and when it was signed. This helps to ensure the integrity of the document and provides a transparent record of its history.

In conclusion, online digital signature services are safe to use when you choose a reputable provider like Signulu. Signulu uses encryption technology, complies with industry standards, and provides an audit trail feature. These features ensure that your documents and signatures are secure and legally binding. So, if you’re looking for a reliable e-signature tool, Signulu is an excellent choice.

The New Norm

How does e-sign work?

Electronic signatures, or e-sign, have revolutionized the way documents are signed and processed. E-signatures provide a secure and convenient way to sign documents online, eliminating the need for paper documents and physical signatures. For those looking for electronic signature software, Signulu is a great option.

To understand how e-signatures work, it’s important to know that they are based on digital signatures, which use advanced cryptographic techniques to ensure the authenticity and integrity of the signed document. With Signulu’s e-signature online platform, users can easily sign pdf online using a simple and user-friendly interface.

The process of signing a document with Signulu is straightforward: first, the user uploads the document they want to sign, invites signatories, adds fields, and then all the parties sign the document. The platform then securely stores the signed document and provides a copy to both parties.

Signulu’s electronic signature software is designed to meet the highest security standards, ensuring that documents are protected and confidential. The platform uses industry-standard encryption to keep documents secure and uses advanced authentication techniques to ensure the identity of the signer.

Overall, Signulu’s e-signature online platform provides a secure, convenient, and user-friendly way to sign documents online. Whether for business owners, professionals, or individuals, Signulu makes it easy to sign pdf online with confidence. Try Signulu’s electronic signature software today and experience the convenience of e-signatures!

Construction Education Industry Finance Industry Healthcare Industry Human Resources Marketing Staffing Industry The New Norm

Use case scenario for e-sign?

Electronic signatures, or e-sign, are becoming increasingly popular in a wide range of industries due to their convenience, efficiency, and security. E-signatures provide a secure and easy way to sign documents online, making them a great option for businesses and individuals alike. For those looking for reliable and user-friendly electronic signature software, Signulu is a great option.

One use case scenario for e-signatures is in the real estate industry. Real estate professionals often need to sign and exchange important documents such as contracts, lease agreements, and disclosures. With Signulu’s e-signature online platform, real estate professionals can sign documents online from anywhere, at any time, without the need for in-person signings. This saves time and reduces the risk of errors or delays in the document signing process. With additional layers of security available in Signulu, the process can be made foolproof and establish the integrity and trust of the contract signing process. Moreover, documents executed in Signulu are legally binding.

Another use case scenario for e-signatures is in the healthcare industry. Healthcare professionals often need to sign and exchange sensitive documents such as patient consent forms and medical records. With Signulu’s electronic signature software, healthcare professionals can sign documents online securely and efficiently, reducing the risk of data breaches and ensuring compliance with healthcare regulations.

Overall, e-signatures offer many benefits and use case scenarios across various industries. Signulu’s e-signature online platform provides a reliable, user-friendly, and secure way to sign documents online, including pdf documents. Try Signulu’s electronic signature software today and experience the convenience of e-signatures for yourself!

The New Norm

Why e-sign is required?

E-sign have become increasingly popular in recent years due to their convenience, efficiency, and security. They provide a digital method of signing documents that allow individuals to sign documents online rather than having to physically sign and send paper documents. E-signatures are legally binding and provide an easy way to sign documents from anywhere, at any time.

For those looking for reliable and user-friendly electronic signature software, Signulu is a great option. The e-signature online platform allows users to easily sign pdf online and securely send and receive signed documents. The platform is designed with simplicity in mind, making it easy for anyone to use.

Also, in some countries like India, e-signature or digital signatures (crypto tokens) or Aadhaar eSign (Biometrics based) is a government-approved form of signing all official documents and helps in regulatory compliance (often in conjunction with other processes).

Signulu can help streamline the document signing process and save time and money by eliminating the need for paper documents and in-person signings. Additionally, the platform is designed to meet the highest security standards, ensuring that documents are protected and confidential.

Whether for business owners, professionals, or individuals looking to sign documents online, Signulu has got it covered. By trying their electronic signature software, users can see how easy and convenient signing documents online can be!


Construction plan Approval from Multiple Stakeholders in a Jiffy

Ramesh is an eminent architect in the town. He runs a firm where several clients approach him and get the construction plan designed for their sites. On one particular day, Ramesh was approached by a renowned organization to design a construction plan for their new venture.  

He was exhilarated. He gave his best and worked on the plan.  Once it was all done, he sent it across to different stakeholders of the organization. Each stakeholder suggested changes in the plan in their respective timings. Ramesh found it difficult to gather all the suggestions from each document. Since he received the comments on different days from different people, he had to rework from the beginning.  However, he incorporated all the changes and sent the plan again. This time, the stakeholders again suggested a few changes based on their availability. 

This back-and-forth process consumed a lot of his time, and he was unable to focus on the other deliverables in that month. Consequently, he lost a few clients for the next couple of months. That was a huge financial loss for Ramesh. 

If only Ramesh had an electronic system that streamlined his workflows! 

Introducing to you, Signulu, The eSignature Expert that facilitates the architects to send the construction plan simultaneously to all the approvers of the organization. Through Signulu, different stakeholders in the organization can make the suggest changes and approve plan simultaneously. This enables the architects to incorporate all the changes concurrently and accomplish the projects quickly. 


Validate & Authenticate Procurement with Signulu, The eSignature Expert!

The procurement team at a leading corporate hospital was on tender hooks as it was month end. At the beginning of every month, the requirement of the various departments must be noted down, approved & signed by the respective heads of the department. The material needs to be procured accordingly supplied on need based.  

There was always a confusion due to last minute additions and deletions. In-spite of their best efforts there was always shortcomings in their work, and to the management it looked like inefficiency of the procurement team.  

Signulu – an expert cloud-based eSignature platform which is safe, secured, easy to use and hassle free comes very handy and reduces the confusion. The procurement team can clearly track demand orders that are validated and authenticated by the respective heads of the departments. Last minute change would be considered as a new order leading clear order management and reduce effort for procurement.  

Different heads would have a clear view of the orders placed, the turn-around time of procurement team as well.  Signulu provides complete access to who gets to view, edit & sign the document, receives alerts & reminders, and can be retrieved at anytime, anyplace and on any device. 


Reduce Paper, Go Electronic with Signulu The eSignature Expert!

The management of Lifeline, a Corporate Hospital with all major health care facilities wanted to find a solution to reduce the usage of paper. The amount of paper that was being used in manual documentation was exorbitant. Imagine the number of copies being made of a patient’s report for the review of all the doctors from different departments and then collecting the signed copies of the reviewed and signed report. It’s an absolute waste of time and effort. It also impacts the staff’s productivity, increase in paper waste and carbon footprint. This paper based manual effort not only burdened the system, but also added to the filing and storage of all the documents. This made the system of cross reference slow and difficult to retrieve as the central repository needs to be visited every time a case file had to accessed.  

Signulu is an expert cloud-based eSignature platform which can empower the management to shift from manual documentation to electronic platform with automated workflows. It is safe, secured, easy to use and hassle free. The document can be stored, retrieved, and accessed at anytime, anywhere on any device. You can be in control, with features like page permission, parallel vs. sequential approval helps to see who gets to view, sign, retrieve and review the document.  

Move away from manual documentation to electronic documents with Signulu. 


Faster On-Boarding with Signulu, The eSignature Expert!

Mr.Rajesh, the head of the hiring department in a popular corporate hospital was very furious with his sub-ordinate. The reason being the hiring of nurses for the operation theatre was put on hold. The delay was the pending signature of the anesthetist who was travelling.

Imagine if there was a platform where all the Signatories could sign the hiring document from any device, anytime and anyplace which is safe, secured and easy to use. It would have not stopped the hiring process of the nurses.

SIGNULU is an excellent solution for circumstances such as the above. It’s a safe, secure and easy to use cloud-based eSignature which can be assigned, monitored, reviewed, retrieved from anywhere, anytime and on any device.


eSigned Patient Consent form Now Made Easy with Signulu

Swetha was normal at work till evening but suddenly she started having a slight irritation in her throat. Because of the prevailing situation and fear, she started off on self-medication. Her situation started to deteriorate by midnight and her condition getting bad to worse. She had to rush to the hospital near her home.  

When she went into the emergency, it was full of patients affected with the same symptoms. The hospital too could not help her too.  She then drove to another hospital a little away from her home. The staff asked her to wait as there was a chance of getting a bed. Her condition was just getting worse by the minute. Finally, after the long wait, she managed to get a bed in the wee hours. She had to sign in a lot of documents before her admission. She was completely drained and had no energy to go through the documents. She just blacked out due to the exhaustion. 

Imagine if there was a platform where the documents could have been sent to her when she was waiting for the bed. She would have had the time to go through and give her consent too.  

Signulu, The eSignature Expert – along with the hospital management software provides a Device Application Solution that helps capture the customer details from anywhere, anytime and on any device.  

SIGNULU is an excellent solution for circumstances such as the above. It’s a safe, secured and easy to use cloud based eSignature which can be assigned, monitored, reviewed, retrieved from anywhere, anytime and on any device.


Digital Transformation of Patient Health Records with Signulu. Authenticate, Validate, Store and Retrieve on Demand.

Ranga was on a vacation with his family. Everything was going fine but one day when they were on the beach something stung him on his feet, and he lost his consciousness. 

He was immediately rushed to hospital. The doctors attending on him asked his wife some questions with regards to his health condition and any medication he was allergic to. 

His wife was in shock and she completely blanked out. She knew that he was a diabetic patient and the medications he was taking but was not aware of his latest reports.  

Imagine if there was a document with the updated reports and authenticated by Ranga and his doctor accessible from any place any time. 

Signulu is the perfect solution for such situations. It’s a cloud-based eSignature which is safe, secure and easy to use. It a boon for the health provider as the reports are updated and eSigned by the patient himself. It saves a lot of time, energy and money of the staff and also that of the patient.